Friday, January 23, 2009

John McCain suffering from political Stockholm Syndrome?

The Washington Post's headlines blare Senate Gets Reacquainted with McCain the Maverick. John McCain is at it again, hand-slapping Republicans for delaying Hillary Clinton's confirmation. Sen. John Cornyn wanted to delay the vote in order to examine Bill Clinton's charitable foundation foreign donors. McCain publicly scolded Republicans like Sen. John Cornyn for having the audacity to ask questions instead of blindly jumping on the liberal bandwagon.

McCain seems to shine when he's allowed to lick the boots of his opponents and castigate Republicans for interfering with his journey to gain acceptance from people who hate what he represents.

You hear Democrats cheer, "The Mac is back" and "McCain is our favorite Republican or the only one we like." You see him at Obama's Inauguration luncheon sitting at Rahm Emanuel's table.

Reading various conservative sites, it's clear the majority of Republicans feel that McCain's loyalty is not to his party but to his place in the Washington power structure. McCain's stances seem to change according to which way the political winds blow. Also, he has a history of throwing his own party members under the bus in order to get into the good graces of his opponents.

One has to wonder if spending so many years as a prisoner-of-war have shaped McCain to be an appeaser and sycophant. Perhaps it would explain his continuous political waffling and admonishment of his own party.

McCain chose to be a Republican and voted in by his constituents to represent those ideals in Washington. Yet, he seems uncomfortable with the Republican agenda. McCain is in perpetual political limbo where he's the safest. The path with the least resistance allows him to play both sides.

History remembers great leaders who have the courage to stand up and stick to their convictions. How will history remember The Mac? As the next Zell Miller?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Aesthetically Challenged Helen Thomas --What Journalistic Integrity?

Perhaps it's old age, or indicative of era we're living in now -- where journalists don't try to hide their biased agenda -- but crotchety Helen Thomas proudly admits her liberalism and hatred toward conservatives.

In an interview posted on Red State, Thomas states that conservatives are neither thinking or caring.

Why would a woman with such a long, distinguished career decide to throw away every ounce of her professional integrity? Hate.

You cannot call yourself a reporter if your ideology blinds your thinking to the point of no longer wanting to seek truth and fairness.

Helen Thomas is an embarrassment to her profession and the reason behind the dwindling trust in the mainstream media.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Audacity of Obama's Agenda

I had the scare of my life this morning. I actually went to the new site and read Obama's agenda for America. Here are a few excerpts:

Require 100 Hours of Service in College: Establish a new American Opportunity Tax Credit worth $4,000 a year in exchange for 100 hours of public service a year.

Did I read that correctly? Required? $4,000 in tax credit for only 100 hours worth of public service work? That breaks down to $40.00 a hour! So, one could work two and a half weeks and get a $4,000 tax credit. Sure why not! The government has an endless supply of money so why not give it away for a few hours of volunteerism. Symbolism over substance coming out of the taxpaper's wallet.

Raise the Minimum Wage to $9.50 an Hour by 2011: Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that people who work full-time should not live in poverty. Even though the minimum wage will rise to $7.25 an hour by 2009, the minimum wage's real purchasing power will still be below what it was in 1968. President Obama will further raise the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour by 2011, index it to inflation and increase the Earned Income Tax Credit to make sure that full-time workers can earn a living wage that allows them to raise their families and pay for basic needs such as food, transportation, and housing -- things so many people take for granted.

Extend Paid Sick Days to All Workers: Half of all private sector workers have no paid sick days and the problem is worse for employees in low-paying jobs, where less than a quarter receive any paid sick days. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will require that employers provide seven paid sick days per year.

With many businesses struggling to survive, the Obama administration wants to force another minimum wage hike and paid time off onto companies in this economic crisis. Yes, keep raising wages until no one has a job. Another example of the impracticality of the Obama's agenda.

Reverse Tax Cuts for the Wealthy: Obama and Biden will protect tax cuts for poor and middle class families, but they will reverse most of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers.

Fantastic idea! The wealthy will slow down their spending on goods and services so the economy will delve deeper into recession! Hey don't forget, the wealthy are the ones who start companies! Take that incentive away too.

Glad to see that Obama is no different than any other Democrat who seeks to slow down progress by punishing successful Americans.

Move Toward a Nuclear Free World: Obama and Biden will set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons, and pursue it. Obama and Biden will always maintain a strong deterrent as long as nuclear weapons exist. But they will take several steps down the long road toward eliminating nuclear weapons. They will stop the development of new nuclear weapons; work with Russia to take U.S. and Russian ballistic missiles off hair trigger alert; seek dramatic reductions in U.S. and Russian stockpiles of nuclear weapons and material; and set a goal to expand the U.S.-Russian ban on intermediate-range missiles so that the agreement is global.

Does Obama think he can strike a deal with Putin to eliminate nuclear weapons? Will making the United States a weaker nuclear power protect us in the long wrong? Geez whiz, golly, surely those evil doers will see the light if we lay down our arms. They'll embrace America will hugs and songs of peace.

Talk to our Foes and Friends: Obama and Biden will pursue tough, direct diplomacy without preconditions with all nations, friend and foe. They will do the careful preparation necessary, but will signal that America is ready to come to the table and is willing to lead. And if America is willing to come to the table, the world will be more willing to rally behind American leadership to deal with challenges like confronting terrorism and Iran and North Korea's nuclear programs.

Without preconditions? If there are no preconditions how will it be to our advantage? Obama is incredibly naive to think if America bends over backwards that the world will rally behind us. The oversimplification of Obama's foreign policy rhetoric is downright disturbing.

Fight Workplace Discrimination: President Obama supports the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and believes that our anti-discrimination employment laws should be expanded to include sexual orientation and gender identity. While an increasing number of employers have extended benefits to their employees' domestic partners, discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace occurs with no federal legal remedy. The President also sponsored legislation in the Illinois State Senate that would ban employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation

So, does this apply to churches who employ people? Would churches be forced to employ and give benefits to people's lifestyles that goes against their church's teachings? It's getting into sticky territory where gay rights overlap religions rights.

I hope every American takes the time to read Obama's agenda to know what we're in for as a nation.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Economy collapsing -- let's have a $150,000,000 Inauguration!

Old Abe Obama is riding the train down from Philadelphia to his $150,000,000 coronation as our nation's first reincarnated president. Yes, Obama thinks he is channeling the spirit of his obsession, Abraham Lincoln. Quick, someone get Nancy Reagan on the phone! Hillary!

Choo Choo Obama waving along with his gaffe-a-minute sidekick Joe Biden is laughable. Obama's Lincolnesque train ride is reminiscent of a Hollywood kid's movie where something strange happens and a boy is suddenly transformed into an adult who becomes President of the United States. I digress.

In 2005, the left relentlessly attacked George Bush for his $40,000,000 inauguration. Yet, there is very little criticism coming from the far left or mainstream media for the extra $110,000,000 Obama is spending comparatively.

Examples of the vitriolic comments made back in 2005:

Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner, "Precedent suggests that inaugural festivities should be muted -- if not canceled -- in wartime." Weiner also wrote to Bush suggesting putting some of the money toward helping the troops.

Hey, aren't we still at war? Yet, not a peep out of Weiner about Obama's soiree. Things that make you go...hmmm.

And the award for most melodramatic liberal writer goes to...John Nichols from The Nation magazine for his article, An Un-American Inaugural. Here's an excerpt from the linked article:

...the First Lady announced her approval of the ridiculous extravagance that will accompany what that is starting to look more and more like a royal coronation...It should come as no surprise that George Bush, with his regal instincts and inflated sense of self-importance, would want a big party. But Laura Bush, who has never seemed quite so royally inclined as her husband, should know better than to suggest that there is anything inherently American about such festivities.

You believe Mr. Nichols thinks Obama is Un-American too?

Eric Boehlert, a writer for the ultra-left web site Salon, was so outraged over Bush's expensive inauguration that he criticized the liberal DC press corps stating that they were giving Bush a pass again by failing to ask hard questions about the inauguration's huge cost and its unprecedented security.

Not surprising, Boehlert hasn't criticized Obama either.

Finally, it wouldn't be good old Bush bashing without a European spin. From the German news site, Spiegel Online, writer Bob Herbert gives his two pfennigs on Bush's inauguration.

President Bush and his equally tone-deaf supporters spent the past few days partying hard while Americans, Iraqis and others continued to suffer and die in the Iraq conflagration. Nothing was too good for the princes and princesses of the new American plutocracy. Tens of millions of dollars were spent on fireworks, cocktail receptions, gala dinners and sumptuous balls.

One Bush bashing article even listed all of the military supplies and vehicles that could've been purchased with the 40 million spent on his inaugural party.

Yet, there is barely a mention of Obama's decadent party. Can you image the media fire storm if Bush spent that insane amount of money with the economy tanking and with troops still in harm's way?

Where is the media's concern for the troops now? Or the 30,000 Circuit City workers who just learned of their impending unemployment? Or the 1 in 10 homeowners who are behind in their mortgage payments?

Change? Sure.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Grandma's movin' on up to the White House...

Taxpayers open up your wallets - Obama's mother-in-law, Marian Robinson, is moving into the White House.

According to ABC News, Michelle's mother is moving into the White House to look after Sasha and Malia.

Isn't that the job of Michelle Obama? Michelle gave up her career to stand in the shadow of her husband's dreams. As First Lady, surely she has the ability to adjust her schedule around her children's school hours. Why should the grandmother become the parent because Michelle is putting her First Lady duties above her children? Shouldn't her first responsibility be to her children? Why should taxpayers pay for additional staff to wait on Marian Robinson hand and foot as well as extra security?

What other family members can we expect to move into the White House? How about Obama's illegal auntie who is living in the Boston projects? Whatever happened to her?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Sarah Palin Interview

Breitbart's Big Hollywood is quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs. Thursday's Big Hollywood site featured blogger John Ziegler who had the opportunity to interview Sarah Palin as part of his documentary on the 2008 election media coverage.

John blogs about his impressions of the 'Cuda including a YouTube interview clip.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Princess Caroline Kennedy

Lavender Boulevard would like to bestow upon Princess Caroline Kennedy its dingbat award. What will she say in her acceptance speech? Um, you know, uh ummm. Maybe Princess Caroline will hire a speech writer.

How can a Harvard law grad lack the ability to articulate why she should replace Senator Hillary Clinton? No wonder Princess Caroline never made it as an attorney if she cannot answer basic questions from the press.

If Caroline doesn't know what she stands for should Gov. Paterson appoint her? If Caroline didn't have the surname Kennedy, could she even pass a job interview to become Paterson's Administrative Assistant?

According to the hipsters at Hotair , it's looking more likely Gov. Paterson will choose the inarticulate Ivy Leaguer to fill Senator Clinton's seat. Is Paterson that blind? Or should I say, what will he get out of the deal to sell New Yorkers and the American people up the river with Princess Caroline?

While you may not be the rich spawn of a former president - with a powerful uncle who decided to cash in his political favors to keep the Kennedy dynasty rolling - you are a freakin' American!

So, get off your duff and let your voice be heard! You can contact Gov. Paterson's office by clicking this link.