Sunday, January 18, 2009

Economy collapsing -- let's have a $150,000,000 Inauguration!

Old Abe Obama is riding the train down from Philadelphia to his $150,000,000 coronation as our nation's first reincarnated president. Yes, Obama thinks he is channeling the spirit of his obsession, Abraham Lincoln. Quick, someone get Nancy Reagan on the phone! Hillary!

Choo Choo Obama waving along with his gaffe-a-minute sidekick Joe Biden is laughable. Obama's Lincolnesque train ride is reminiscent of a Hollywood kid's movie where something strange happens and a boy is suddenly transformed into an adult who becomes President of the United States. I digress.

In 2005, the left relentlessly attacked George Bush for his $40,000,000 inauguration. Yet, there is very little criticism coming from the far left or mainstream media for the extra $110,000,000 Obama is spending comparatively.

Examples of the vitriolic comments made back in 2005:

Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner, "Precedent suggests that inaugural festivities should be muted -- if not canceled -- in wartime." Weiner also wrote to Bush suggesting putting some of the money toward helping the troops.

Hey, aren't we still at war? Yet, not a peep out of Weiner about Obama's soiree. Things that make you go...hmmm.

And the award for most melodramatic liberal writer goes to...John Nichols from The Nation magazine for his article, An Un-American Inaugural. Here's an excerpt from the linked article:

...the First Lady announced her approval of the ridiculous extravagance that will accompany what that is starting to look more and more like a royal coronation...It should come as no surprise that George Bush, with his regal instincts and inflated sense of self-importance, would want a big party. But Laura Bush, who has never seemed quite so royally inclined as her husband, should know better than to suggest that there is anything inherently American about such festivities.

You believe Mr. Nichols thinks Obama is Un-American too?

Eric Boehlert, a writer for the ultra-left web site Salon, was so outraged over Bush's expensive inauguration that he criticized the liberal DC press corps stating that they were giving Bush a pass again by failing to ask hard questions about the inauguration's huge cost and its unprecedented security.

Not surprising, Boehlert hasn't criticized Obama either.

Finally, it wouldn't be good old Bush bashing without a European spin. From the German news site, Spiegel Online, writer Bob Herbert gives his two pfennigs on Bush's inauguration.

President Bush and his equally tone-deaf supporters spent the past few days partying hard while Americans, Iraqis and others continued to suffer and die in the Iraq conflagration. Nothing was too good for the princes and princesses of the new American plutocracy. Tens of millions of dollars were spent on fireworks, cocktail receptions, gala dinners and sumptuous balls.

One Bush bashing article even listed all of the military supplies and vehicles that could've been purchased with the 40 million spent on his inaugural party.

Yet, there is barely a mention of Obama's decadent party. Can you image the media fire storm if Bush spent that insane amount of money with the economy tanking and with troops still in harm's way?

Where is the media's concern for the troops now? Or the 30,000 Circuit City workers who just learned of their impending unemployment? Or the 1 in 10 homeowners who are behind in their mortgage payments?

Change? Sure.

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