Friday, January 23, 2009

John McCain suffering from political Stockholm Syndrome?

The Washington Post's headlines blare Senate Gets Reacquainted with McCain the Maverick. John McCain is at it again, hand-slapping Republicans for delaying Hillary Clinton's confirmation. Sen. John Cornyn wanted to delay the vote in order to examine Bill Clinton's charitable foundation foreign donors. McCain publicly scolded Republicans like Sen. John Cornyn for having the audacity to ask questions instead of blindly jumping on the liberal bandwagon.

McCain seems to shine when he's allowed to lick the boots of his opponents and castigate Republicans for interfering with his journey to gain acceptance from people who hate what he represents.

You hear Democrats cheer, "The Mac is back" and "McCain is our favorite Republican or the only one we like." You see him at Obama's Inauguration luncheon sitting at Rahm Emanuel's table.

Reading various conservative sites, it's clear the majority of Republicans feel that McCain's loyalty is not to his party but to his place in the Washington power structure. McCain's stances seem to change according to which way the political winds blow. Also, he has a history of throwing his own party members under the bus in order to get into the good graces of his opponents.

One has to wonder if spending so many years as a prisoner-of-war have shaped McCain to be an appeaser and sycophant. Perhaps it would explain his continuous political waffling and admonishment of his own party.

McCain chose to be a Republican and voted in by his constituents to represent those ideals in Washington. Yet, he seems uncomfortable with the Republican agenda. McCain is in perpetual political limbo where he's the safest. The path with the least resistance allows him to play both sides.

History remembers great leaders who have the courage to stand up and stick to their convictions. How will history remember The Mac? As the next Zell Miller?

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