Monday, April 13, 2009

Evolution of Michelle Obama: From $30 Gap Dresses to Personal Make-Up Artist

Michelle Obama humbly appeared on The Tonight Show and The View showing off her modest, inexpensive dresses. Michelle announced to Jay Leno that she only spent $30 on a dress. Women rushed out to wear the off-the-rack, uninspiring dresses because Michelle wore them.

Watching Michelle's low budget fashion shows, I knew it was a calculated crock. It was a political strategy to draw more attention to Palin's extravagant $150,000 wardrobe and play the class warfare card --rich Republicans against working class Democrats. But, we know Michelle Obama is anything but a working class gal.

Donna Ricco, an off-the-rack designer, was elated when Michelle wore her dress on The View. Ricco stated it was smart of Michelle to seek out things that are available to everybody and asked, "How democratic is that?"

According to the NY Post, Michelle is ditching the frump for glamour. Out are the cheap ass dresses. In is Michelle's personal make-up artist who flies all around the world with her.

When tent cities of newly homeless keep expanding across America, it's nice to know our First Lady's priorities are focused on employing a full-time make up artist to soften her look with beautiful fake eyelashes.

Between flying pizza chefs across the country to a personal make-up artist, the Obamas are starting look like greedy CEO's living off the hog.


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  3. Oh Pipe Down!! Did you Bother to take stock of personal extravagances of previous administrations?? Articles like this just sound like disgruntled ranting without a side by side comparison of the spending practices of past presidential families. Poor excuse for journalism...
