Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Mainstream Media Unhinged: CNN "Reporter" Susan Roesgen Bashes Tea Party Attendees

Thanks Susan Roesgen for your wonderful tirade! It proves what everyone knows... that our country's mainstream media is corrupt and rotten to the core with liberal bias.

While the public knows how organizations like CNN manipulate news to sway public opinion, could one imagine the faux facade of journalistic fairness cracking apart in such a delicious meltdown of a CNN reporter?

While Susan Roesgen's video will anger people, don't let it get your blood pressure up. You see, this is a major break through because the hate is no longer hidden but out in the open for the whole world to see. Gone are the days of the left proclaiming the right's paranoia of the mainstream media. Anyone watching this video cannot deny it. Sure, CNN could say Roesgen was an emotionally unstable reporter but we know her views are the norm rather than anomalous.

Exposing the mainstream media's bigotry toward conservatives hopefully will put the spotlight back on journalistic accountability. Leftist bigots like Susan Roesgen will be a thing of the past as the public's trust wanes.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Evolution of Michelle Obama: From $30 Gap Dresses to Personal Make-Up Artist

Michelle Obama humbly appeared on The Tonight Show and The View showing off her modest, inexpensive dresses. Michelle announced to Jay Leno that she only spent $30 on a dress. Women rushed out to wear the off-the-rack, uninspiring dresses because Michelle wore them.

Watching Michelle's low budget fashion shows, I knew it was a calculated crock. It was a political strategy to draw more attention to Palin's extravagant $150,000 wardrobe and play the class warfare card --rich Republicans against working class Democrats. But, we know Michelle Obama is anything but a working class gal.

Donna Ricco, an off-the-rack designer, was elated when Michelle wore her dress on The View. Ricco stated it was smart of Michelle to seek out things that are available to everybody and asked, "How democratic is that?"

According to the NY Post, Michelle is ditching the frump for glamour. Out are the cheap ass dresses. In is Michelle's personal make-up artist who flies all around the world with her.

When tent cities of newly homeless keep expanding across America, it's nice to know our First Lady's priorities are focused on employing a full-time make up artist to soften her look with beautiful fake eyelashes.

Between flying pizza chefs across the country to a personal make-up artist, the Obamas are starting look like greedy CEO's living off the hog.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama's Somali Pirate Crisis Pizza Party

Captain Richard Phillips perilously spent his fourth day in a lifeboat drifting in the Indian Ocean with Somali pirate guns pointing at his head. His mind is probably racing wondering if the United States will be able to save him or if he'll ever see his family again.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama spends the fourth day of the pirate crisis throwing a pizza party for 140 guests. Obama spared no expense -- probably on the taxpayer's dime -- flying in chefs from the St. Louis restaurant Pi.

I wonder if any members of the mainstream media were invited to this soiree? Maybe, since there are so many cute stories about his pizza party floating around on the Internet. No mention of Captain Phillips ordeal in the fluffy Obama pizza stories.

If only we had a Republican president, perhaps the press would actually do their job and keep him fully accountable for the way he's handling this crisis.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Obama taking America back to 1860: In appeasing slave mode to all the world leader masters

I often wonder how Barack Obama's legacy will impact the black community. Is it good to have a president that shows the world he's gutless and weak? How will this bode for future generations of black people who may want to run for higher office? He's seen bowing to the Saudi King Abdullah, apologizing for the United States for its arrogance and heavy handedness, and stroking the egos of Muslims by assuring them that we're not going to wage war on Islam.

Like a cowering slave, Obama hopes that if he plays into the hands of world leaders, they will have mercy on the United States and not strike us hard. In his head, he thinks his clever moves will make tyrants respect his submissiveness on some level. But, they will see him as an easier man to break and use him as a tool to further their own agenda making the United States weaker in the process.

The liberal mainstream media and others so badly wanted an African American in the White House. They didn't care if he wasn't qualified. So, what if he wasn't? In their myopic world view, the most important thing is to elevate a black man to the highest office in the country. As if it would magically right all the wrongs of our country's prior slavery and subsequent discrimination against black people.

The mainstream media stream rolled Hillary Clinton when they found a bigger token -- Barack Obama -- to alleviate their liberal guilt. They fail to see their own racism by failing to hold Barack to the same standards as other politicians. They perceive Obama as too weak to be questioned and held accountable for his actions. Why else do they protect Obama at the expense of their own journalistic integrity and legacy?

If Bush had numerous nominees with tax issues, the media would've torn him apart. With Barack, it stopped becoming a passing news story after the first two tax cheats. If Bush still had a treasury department months into his presidency with unfilled positions, would this be front page news?

Can you imagine the cross examination the media would've given the Bush administration for spending trillions of dollars without even knowing what he was signing off on? Or if the Republican controlled Congress voted on a trillion dollar stimulus bill they didn't even read?

Liberals got what they wanted...a president with black skin. Now, if he fails miserably by making us weaker economically and militarily will it be worth having the first black president go down in history as grossly incompetent? Will that ultimately advance the black community or slow their process for another few generations? All because the media wanted to advance symbolism over competence and experience.

We won't have equality in this country until all people are held accountable to the same standards. Too bad the mainstream media don't realize they keep propagating racial stereotypes instead of resolving them.